Sunday, September 30, 2012

Racist Bigot or Culturalist?

I am what you fear the most because there is nothing that you can do to stop me. I am representative of the future to come. I am the nemesis of people like you because I am by far stronger than you and will not be pushed aside. And by far the worst for you is the reality that I'm not racist or bigoted for it is the racism and bigotry in you that I resist.

Your brand of racism and bigotry is even more insidious than that ever perpetrated by white men. You use racism and bigotry for personal unwarranted gain at the expense of all races.

You have used race to force by guilt and fear the giving of unwarranted entitlements.

You have used race to force by guilt and fear the giving of unearned and unqualified for work positions.

You have used race to force the dumbing down and gutting of the education system and forcing by guilt and fear the giving of unearned and unqualified advancements (social promotion).

I am the teacher of, and permission giver to others, to reject your allegations and insist you articulate facts to support them, then to simply ignore you when you fail. They see even our commenting back and forth and learn that it is OK to call people like you out on your allegations. There is NOTHING to fear from the likes of you.

For far too long people like you have covered up the truth and cried that the white man is responsible for the indignities blacks have suffered when the real truth is blacks are just as responsible for their tribulations. True slavery (not indentured servitude) was brought into being by a black man in a Virginia Court in the colonies.

Interesting how you avoid the fact that Anthony Johnson, who was once an indentured servant also and who had bought himself out of indentured servitude was a black man who out of greed and in predation of fellow blacks for money, as proven by existing court records, challenged John Casor's ability to buy his freedom in court and beat John Casor's claim in a Virginia court thereby making John Casor the first true black slave UNABLE to buy his way free like other indentured servants in the colonies. The vicious form of slavery depicted when reparations are discussed was actually brought into being in the colonies by a black man, Anthony Johnson. Irrefutable documented facts.

Black on black predation (slavery) is still occurring even today. Yes, I'm talking about real modern day slavery perpetrated by persons of color. See;

And I'm no more racist or bigoted for commenting on it than the Charlotte Observer is for reporting it.

White is a race too and it is just as deserving as the black race. Your race card is maxed out and there are no more withdrawals forthcoming from the guilt bank.

I am not a racist or bigot. I'm a culturalist and I simply believe in a culture that rejects your concepts and has EQUAL expectations of ALL races.

Martin Luther King Jr. didn't strive for a society where the black race was "given" anything except EQUALITY. That means equal opportunities and not simple "give it to me". Martin Luther King Jr. envisioned a race with dignity.

The children of today are coming out of school and have not seen the racism and bigotry from whites you seem to revel in conjuring up. They had friends of all races. They are the ones that will be doing the hiring and firing based on their multiracial connections. YOU are the dinosaur to them, and a crazy one because they look around in confusion for the racism and can only find it emanating from YOU. You are the only racist they see because nobody else cares about it anymore except apparently Charlotte blacks.

We don't fear you anymore and were done with your idiocy. You want entitlements, apologies and reparations....discuss it with your own people....the rest of us have more important things to be electing a president and other elected officials who believe as "We the People", the majority do. Who is this "you" that I address. If you don't like what I have just written then it is obviously YOU!

"It is about every American playing by the rules by getting up every day and going to work and not looking to government, or to those who work, to support those who will not". ~Mitt Romney


  1. Feel free to leave a comment...

  2. Every legitimate scholat understands that the first chattel slave in America was an indentured servant named John Punch.


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